Only the brave cast red box
Only the brave cast red box

Keep an eye on the boss' cast bars and for its physical tells to avoid taking unnecessary damage. This fight introduces mechanics one at a time and then quickly begins to combine them. Make sure to line up with a box in such a way that you are not 1, knocked off the map by the clone's lunge but also not getting caught in the boss' Colossal Impact

  • The boss will eventually (starting the third cast of Light Leap?) begin casting Colossal Impact after Lunge when Replicate is up.
  • Line yourself up with the white boxes so you are knocked back into them.
  • Lunge - A knockback attack that always follows Light Leap (although the boss will often cast Replicate and Stacking the Deck inbetween).
  • Boxes will appear at the square AOEs during Light Leap.
  • Generally, run forward so you're right on him to optimize uptime.
  • Light Leap - two proximity AoEs appear on the left and right and boss.
  • Avoid the first cast, then move into where it was to avoid the second cast.
  • Spheroids will be cast with this after the first cast, but instead of shooting orbs it will do two casts of line AOEs across the arena.
  • Magic Artillery Alpha - AoE markers on several players.
  • This is often cast in conjuction with Colossal Impact and an alternate version is cast with Magic Artillery Alpha
  • Spheroids - Orbs appear and will spit out red balls which float towards players causing splash damage and vulnerability stacks on contact.
  • They may cast the same version of Colossal Impact or different versions.

    only the brave cast red box

    The boss and its clones will cast Colossal Impact in the order shown during Stacking the Deck.Shown by the number of blue/white cubes in front of each boss. Stacking the Deck - the boss will briefly tether its clones and mark the order in which they will attack.The first time it will always be one clone, but afterwards there may be two.

    only the brave cast red box

    Replicate - another boss will appear on the left or right side of the arena.Magic Artillery Beta - A splashing tank buster targeting each alliance's tank.Hands in fists, leaning back, yellow glow The boss will cast line AOEs down both sides of the arena.Hands are open to the side and mouth is glowing red' The boss will cast a line AOE down the middle of the arena.When the boss first casts this, he will always do it twice. Colossal Impact A linear AOE attack with two variants.

    only the brave cast red box only the brave cast red box

    Sometimes it doesn't animate right away so keep an eye on the cast bar. Roar - Raid-wide damage, the boss opens with this.

    Only the brave cast red box